Wall with shelves filled with trophies and awards

Our Awards

Excellent Craemer Quality

In recent years, the Craemer Group has received several awards - for the exceptional quality of its products and services, reliability, social commitment, culture & communication as well as sustainability efforts. We take great pride in these accolades, which are a confirmation of our commitment to high standards of quality and service.

Metal forming

Craemer Award Keiper

Keiper Supplier Award

2006: Quality / Certificate 2006

2007: Quality / Certificate 2007

2008: Innovation / Research & Development / Certificate 2008

2009: Logistics chain management / Certificate 2009

2010: Entrepreneurial performance / Certificate 2010

Two Craemer Awards Adient

Johnson Controls Supplier Performance Award

2014: Bronze

2015: Silver

Adient Supplier Performance Award

2016: Gold

2017: Bronze

Adient Supplier Leadership Award 

2017: Innovation

Brose Supplier Award 2024 and Certificate

Brose Supplier Award

2024: Quality

Plastics processing

MM Logistik Craemer Award with Certificate


Pallet management system Palpool

2008: Identification technology

Silver Craemer Award IslandicFisheries

Icelandic Fisheries Award

2014: Outstanding Icelandic
supplier processing (large companies) / Certificate 2014

Digital Craemer Award Materialfluss

materialfluss product of the year 2022

2022: TC Palgrip receives the Product of the Year award in the storage and order picking technology category from the trade magazine materialfluss.

CibusTec Award Craemer Certificate

Cibus Tec Innovation Award

2023: The hygienic HB3 pallet box receives the Innovation Award at the Italian trade fair Cibus Tec.

Warsaw Pack Fair MedalAward

Warsaw Pack Fair MedalAward

2024: Innovation
Euro L1® plastic pallet

Social commitment

TOP JOB 2009


2009: Personnel management / Download Certificate
Culture and communication

District Administrator Sven-Georg Adenauer, Bernhard Goldbeck and Siegbert Geldner from Craemer, patron Karin Miele and Dr Ulrich Kemper, Chairman of the Gütersloh Foundation for the Mentally Ill and Mentally Handicapped


2014: Award for exemplary actions towards vocational integration of people with mental illnesses and mental handicaps / Social-Oscar


Industrial warehouse

Initiative for energy efficiency

2010: Lighting a factory building in an energy-efficient way, using daylight and artificial light control / Download PDF

Contact us

Free-phone number for your inquiry:
Wheelie Bins: 0800 032 4289
Plastic Pallets: 0800 032 4291
Fish Boxes & Containers: 0800 032 4292

eMail: info(at)craemer.com

Two firendly women