Metal Craemer Logo Design
Legal notice

Information according to Sec. 5 German Telemedia Act (DSA):
Headquarters of the Craemer Group:

Craemer GmbH
Brocker Straße 1
33442 Herzebrock-Clarholz

Phone: +49 5245 43-0
E-Mail: info(at)

Local court: Gütersloh
Commercial register: HRB 5557
VAT no.: DE811204630

Represented by the managing directors:
Sebastian P. Brandenburg
Christoph J. Brandenburg
Siegbert Geldner
Stephan Kogel

General Partner of the 
Craemer GmbH:

CRAEMER Holding GmbH
Brocker Straße 1
33442 Herzebrock-Clarholz

Local court: Gütersloh
Commercial register: HRB 6676
VAT no.: DE224635285

Represented by the managing directors:
Sebastian P. Brandenburg
Christoph J. Brandenburg

Legal notice

Liability for contents:

As service provider, we are liable for our own contents according to Sec. 7, paragraph 1 German Telemedia Act (DSA). The information provided on our website is therefore compiled with great care. At the same time, the Craemer GmbH and/or the companies of the Craemer Group have taken every effort to ensure the provided information is up-to-date. The Craemer GmbH and/or the companies of the Craemer Group does not warrant the completeness, correctness and suitability of the information for any given use. The use of the any content provided on the website takes place at the user’s own risk.

If you submit personal information to the Craemer GmbH and/or the companies of the Craemer Group during your use of the websites, please note our data protection declaration.

Responsibility and rights to all contents on the websites of the Craemer Group:

Responsible for all images, texts and its content on all Craemer Group web pages is the Craemer GmbH. The image, text and content rights on all Craemer Group web pages also reside with Craemer GmbH. Any reproduction, subsequent use or publication of any part of this website - even if the content is altered - requires in all cases the prior written agreement or permission applying to a specified purpose by Craemer GmbH and is otherwise not permitted.

Liability for links:

Websites of the Craemer Group include links to websites from other providers (companies, organisations or towns). Neither the Craemer GmbH nor the companies of the Craemer Group are responsible for the content of external sites reached via these links. Providers or administrators of linked websites are always responsible for their own contents. The linked websites have been checked for possible violations of law at the time of the establishment of the link. Illegal contents were not detected at the time of the linking.

Should it come to our attention that a linked external website includes illegal contents, the link will be deleted as far as it is reasonable and technically possible to do so. A permanent monitoring of the contents of linked websites is not reasonable without indications of violations of law.

Furthermore, we are in no way responsible for the content of Internet sites which contain links to our websites.


All content (text, images and informational content) on the webpages of the Craemer GmbH and/or other Craemer Group company websites are protected by copyright. All rights reside with the Craemer GmbH.

Any reproduction, subsequent use or publication of any part of this website - even if the content is altered - requires in all cases the prior written agreement or permission applying to a specified purpose by Craemer GmbH and is otherwise not permitted.

Downloads and copies of these pages are allowed for private, non-commercial usage only. 

Insofar as the contents of these pages were not compiled by Craemer, the copyrights of third parties shall be respected. In particular, contents of third parties are marked as such. Nevertheless, should you become aware of a copyright violation we kindly ask you notify us accordingly. Upon the discovery of such infringements of the copyright law we will remove the respective contents immediately.

Liability for Downloads:

Download of any data from our websites is carried out at your own risk. The Craemer GmbH nor the companies of the Craemer Group are not liable for damage arising from the download itself or any use made of the data stored. In spite of up-to-date virus scans, any liability within the context of legal provisions for damage or adverse effects caused by computer viruses is precluded.

Social Networks:

This legal notice also applies to presences of the Craemer Group companies on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, XING and YouTube.

Picture Credits:

Pictures shown here are used for publication on the internet. Sources: / / / CP-IMAC GmbH / Barbara Meinhardt, Dipl.-Fotodesignerin, Bielefeld / Martin Brockhoff, Bielefeld / Craemer Gruppe. When applicable, other occasionally used image sources are named directly alongside the concerning picture.

Dispute resolution

The European commission offers a platform for online dispute resolution:

We are not obliged to participate in such a dispute resolution and are not willing to.

Terms and conditions:

Our business relationships are generally based on our terms and conditions. These are accepted by issuing an order, accepting a delivery of goods or accepting an order. The terms are available for your reference under General terms and conditions.

Further references:

Contact us

Free-phone number for your inquiry:
Wheelie Bins: 0800 032 4289
Plastic Pallets: 0800 032 4291
Fish Boxes & Containers: 0800 032 4292

eMail: info(at)

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