News article on Craemer plastic products in a magazine


CeMAT 2014: “Intelligent Plastic Pallets” for optimised logistic processes

As a leading developer and manufacturer of high-quality plastic pallets the Craemer Group presents its extensive know-how and experience for optimising logistic processes using RFID-technology at CeMAT 2014 (in Hall 13, stand E45). Palcontrol®, a service provided by Craemer, offers perfect integration of RFID transponders and innovative multi-way plastic pallets - a reliable, one-stop solution.

Experience, innovative drive and comprehensive know-how are distinguishing features of market leaders. Underlining this know-how as a leading developer and manufacturer of high-quality plastic pallets Craemer presents its service Palcontrol® by showcasing industry perfect solutions for efficient pallet logistics in Hall 13, stand E45. A live application on the stand demonstrates the functioning of “Intelligent Plastic Pallets” and explains the various benefits of individually tailored pallet logistic solutions

Forward-thinking pallet solutions for all industries

RFID-technology enables a wireless exchange of data between a transponder carrying the data and a data reader via alternating electromagnetic fields. Implementing this technology offers a variety of benefits for Palcontrol® users: A precise identification of goods and storage positions allows for a more effective inventory management, thus reducing costs and streamlining transport processes. As a forward-thinking technology “Intelligent Plastic Pallets” are at the heart of perfect processes and result in transparent, economic and 100% future-proof pallet logistics. The many benefits of RFID can be utilised particularly effective in combination with durable Craemer Plastic Pallets. They are multi-purpose solutions "par-excellence" and offer the ideal prerequisites for use with RFID.

In addition to the presentation of Palcontrol®, Craemer presents a selection of its extensive product range of plastic pallets and individually tailored solutions for various industry needs and applications. Our focus lies on providing individually tailored solutions and tapping the full potential of our “Intelligent Plastic Pallets” for the benefit of our customers.

Please visit the Craemer Group stand in Hall 13, stand E45 for detailed information about Palcontrol® and our portfolio of plastic pallets. The Craemer team cordially invites you to a personal conversation and is looking forward to seeing you.

For more information about Craemer products please talk to us:

Mr. Frank Bücker
E-Mail: frank.buecker(at)
Tel.: +49 (5245) 43-137

Contact us

Craemer GmbH (Headquarters Germany)
+49 5245 43-0

Craemer Attendorn GmbH & Co. KG
+49 2722 9545-0


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