The construction department provides the design specifications for tool making: in close co-operation with skilled personnel from other departments, with well-founded know-how and at modern CAD /CAM work stations.
Basis for sustainable products
The employees in the construction department have an abundance of experience and know-how, giving them the skillset to construct tools at the company headquarter for the manufacturing of metal and plastic products that meet strictest requirements. Tool construction takes place in close co-operation with the development department and the in-house tool making, taking into account customer wishes and demands, product requirements, feasibility and producibility, and all this in close co-operation with the quality assurance department at Craemer.
Use of modern technologies
Tool construction is carried out at modern CAD-/CAM work stations, for example with CATIA. Where necessary, drawing simulations on the basis of auto-form-systems offer the possibility to demonstrate the forming process at the computer prior to production. The ensuing tool making and production process is safeguarded by feasibility studies, stability tests and time-simulation of mould filling. The groundwork for any tool concept, sample/prototype creation or serial production is provided by the construction department.
Innovation is the expertise of the future
Whether it is producing tools for complex metal parts in collaboration with the client or manufacturing injection moulds for the company's plastic products division, the construction department at Craemer operates with accuracy, innovation, and sustainability while keeping an eye towards the future.

Administration: Brocker Straße 1
Logistics, delivery, pick-up: Alte Ziegelei 2
33442 Herzebrock-Clarholz